TRENDY & NEW! Goloka Resin Incense Cups
Resin Incense Cups are adorable little containers filled with natural resin and other delightful aromatics. Perfectly sized for any ritual or meditation, they bring a cozy, authentic touch to any spiritual practice. Their unique design and compact size make them super easy to use, giving you a wonderful aromatic experience every time. Add a little magic to any space with these charming incense cups! Interested in discovering more about how these Resin Incense Cups can boost your offerings? Continue reading to explore their benefits and uses!
Discover the Magic of Goloka Resin Cups
Experience the pure essence of spirituality with Goloka, a trusted brand renowned for its natural and sacred products. With over 20 years of dedication to ancient traditions, Goloka follows the spiritual path in crafting products that uplift the soul. Their incense, lovingly handcrafted by experts with over forty years of experience, comes in various forms, each carrying its unique energy. At Goloka, they believe in the power of purity, and they ensure that their products are of the highest quality, made as naturally as possible.

Insight of Goloka Resin Incense Cups
The Resin Incense Cups are small cups crafted from pure charcoal. Each cup has a small hole in the center, featuring natural resin, fragrant herbs, and essential oil, giving off a gentle aromatic smoke.
Why choose incense cups instead of sticks?
Even though incense sticks and cups are originated from the same products, the way of using it makes all the difference. Incense sticks are one of the most popular ways to help meditate or to use on a ritual. However, the resin incense cups offer a new insight. With their unique form and high quality, these cups are a great new experience that anyone should try.
The benefits of using Goloka Resin Incense Cups in your business:
Here are a few of the many reasons why the Goloka Resin Incense Cups will be a great fresh addition to your shop.
- The cups have a long-lasting fragrance that will fill any space with a fine aroma.
- The cups are made from natural ingredients, giving them an authentic fragrance.
- The nice smell and smoke from the incense cups give a relaxing energy to make the space feel comfortable and welcoming to customers.
- We have a range of 14 different fragrances to offer!
- Every cup has its own benefits with the fragrance it gives off, but altogether, they promote a calming aura to the customers.
- The cups can be used in any environment. Think of retail stores, yoga studios, apartments, and more.

Why choose Goloka over other brands?
Goloka is famous for being one of the most natural and eco-friendly companies in the incense industry. Their commitment to traditional practices is evident in the care and dedication they put into crafting their products. In addition to offering organic incense, they also support programs that facilitate children's education and assist local farmers in transitioning to organic farming practices.
How Goloka maintains the traditional art of incense making.
Goloka is always making sure to make their products top quality in the most natural way possible. In particular, their incense sticks are hand-rolled by a team to ensure quality and purity.
Types of Goloka Resin Incense Cups
Different scents and properties.
We have 14 unique fragrances available.
Lavender: Promote calmness and tranquility and bring peace to the mind.
Seven Chakra: Align the energy of your chakras and balance yourself to a harmonic flow.
White Sage: Purify and cleanse one's spirit and space and draw in positive energy.
Palo Santo: Lift your spirit and purify your space.
Seven Herbs: Discover a wonderful mix of 7 herbs to give energy.
Against Witchcraft: Banish unwelcome energy and protect yourself from harming spirits.
Buddha: A perfect blend to bring peace in any meditation and spiritual space.
Cleaning House: Remove bad energy and refresh your home with a clean start.
Palo Santo & Sandalwood: Create an enriching calming experience and promote inner peace.
Against Evil: Protect yourself from unwanted energy and create a shield of positivity.
Palo Santo & Copal: Cleanse and purify any space and uplift your spirit.
Palo Santo & White Sage: Bring in sacred essence and cleanse your space.
Tree of Life: Embrace the wisdom of the Tree of Life and find inner peace.
Nag champa: Clear negative energy and promote relaxation.
Every box comes with 12 inner pieces. Those inner pieces all have 6 resin incense cups.

How Goloka Resin Incense Cups and the Business are connected
Best selling TIPS
It is always a smart move to promote new products in a way that it immediately catches the customers’ eyes. A good example of this is to put the products at eye level or in a more open space. In this case, the Resin Incense Cups come in boxes that aren’t very big. Make sure that they stand at an eye-catching spot in your store.
A new concept.
These incense cups are also a unique concept. It may have been used for centuries long, but for the customers of today, this could be a very new thing. New concepts always pull the customers in, because it is always nice to experiment and create new experiences.
Attractive packaging.
These small incense cups come, of course, with their own special packaging. Every fragrance has its own look, and all of them are wonderful to look at. Having all 14 versions in your store will definitely catch the interest of your customers, and their playful colors will definitely be noticed.
Always good for the business to have new products and new collections.
A fresh start is good for the body and mind, but so is it for any store and business. With new products like this, your business will have a fresh look to draw in your customers to the new exciting addition to your shop.
The Resin Incense Cups are great for a new start and finding new ways of relaxation, protection, and positive energy. Draw your customers closer to new opportunities and strengths.
Contact information for wholesale inquiries and orders.
Eastern Trading Agencies BV
- Elandstraat 61
3064 AG Rotterdam - tel: 0031-(0)10-4518186
- fax: 0031-(0)-0-4518341
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