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- Opalite Pendulum Divination KitOut of stock
- Agate Pendulum with Crystals and Lotus flowerOut of stock
- Brass Pendulum with stones and Buddha headOut of stock
Pendulums and Radiesthesia
Pendulums ,pendulum dowsing or also reffered to as Radiesthesia is believed to be a simpler way of accessing Divine Guidance and can be very precise especially if utilized accurately.
The most commonly used products are pendulums and dowsing rods. It is said that the radiation in your body is a vital part in this process. Each person has a unique energy frequency or radiation in their body. This is expressed through a pendulum or dowsing rod. These tools are basically weights that can swing from itheir pivot points through vibration.
These products are well-known tools used in communicating with spirits through higher self, spiritual healing and inner growth. They can also serve as a guide in making decisions. Pendulums are easy and fast ways to get answers to different problems and also ways to help you decide confidently based on precise methods.
One of the most interesting uses of these tools are finding lost objects or persons, connecting with spirits or for decision making. For instance it can also help you decide if a particular crystal or stone is the most ideal one for you. If you’re a person whose been working seriously on your psychic gifts and spiritual growth, these tools can be of a great help to you.
There are also different types of this item available today that you can choose from. It is said that the pendulum will choose you and not the otherway around. When holding it and the energy feels good then the pendulum is meant for you.
In our wholesale we offer them in a variety of material like semi precious stones, different metals or wood. We also offer pendulum mats which are a great tool for guidance and the practice of divination.
There are even new age jewelry pendulums that you can wear for clarity and guidedance.
Every now and then you should cleanse your pendulum with water or use sea salt this way it will renew the energy of it.
Reasons that You Might Want to Use Pendulums
Pendulums are great for Spiritual Guidance. When used correct and accurate it helps you with decision making.You can use it for all kinds of decisions, it is often used for choosing crystals. It becomes an imperative tool that you can use in making decisions.
It is also used for connecting with your innerself and finding out what kind of feelings you have towards certain things in your life. What you are actually doing is connecting and communicating with your higher and inner self and then accessing Divine Guidance when using it. It will certainly aid you with your spiritual growth.
One reason that you may decide to routinely utilize this tool is connecting with spirits and entities. Each time you will obtain or accomplish another blessing which you can use in communicating with spirits or entities and your vibration ultimately gets higher.
You can also use pendulums to find out what is the situation within ones body, for health issues for in stance. It is said that subconsciously everyone know what is going on within their body, this tool can aid to get that information out in the open.
You will notice that there are countless choices available so you will never run out of options when looking for new age jewelry, radiesthesia items or divination tools. There are also natural and beautiful crystals that are lovely to wear and use. The most popular ones are amethyst, rose quartz, crystal quartz and many more are available. Use your own intuition in deciding what pendulum is right for you.
Buy Pendulums Wholesale from Eastern Trading Agencies
If you are looking for beautiful and quality radiesthesia products against competitive prices , Eastern Trading can give you what you are looking for. We are supplying satisfied customers all over Europe every day and have continued to grow due to the support of our clients.
With Eastern Trading Agencies , you will surely be exposed to great selections of our wholesale divination tools and accessories or pendulum necklaces in a huge and wide variety of materials . We take pride in sourcing the best products for our customers against competitive prices. Please take a look in our wholesale pendulum section.
You will just be surprised to learn about the amazing choices you can get. You can check on the reviews and customer feedbacks for these reflect why many customers are opting to choose and buy pendulums and many other related products from Eastern Trading Agencies BV. We have a complete range of products to meet your needs and the needs of your customers.