What is a Crystal Grid?
Crystal grids are the groups of stones which are used with the purpose to manifest specific intentions.
Every stone in the crystal grid strengthens the qualities of other stones, giving the one-of-the-kind energy. You can create the crystal grid and use it in different ways, according to the energy and the intention that you want to express.
The right combination of crystals may have enormously therapeutic effects. Crystals not only influence you but also, thanks to the collective light spectrum, harmonize your place of living.
How does a crystal grid work?
The purpose of the crystal grid is to manifest what we want using the Universal laws. It is a powerful tool since it has been created based on Sacred Geometry.
Sacred Geometry
In our store you can find crystal grids with different symbols with Sacred Geometry. Every one of them has a different meaning. Metatron symbolises all things that exist in the known universe. It helps you replace the negative thoughts with the positive ones. Flower of life represents the cycle of life. It reminds you about the unity of everything, that we are all built from the same blueprint. Seed of life with its seven interconnected cycles symbolizes the interconnection between life on Earth and universal existence.
Last but not least, pentagram. It is known as a mystic and magical symbol associated with grounding, and stabilizing. Having such symbols in your space can bring you peace and comfort.


Flower of life

Seed of Life

Step by step how it works
Step 1: Set the grid on the table where it can stay for a few days.
Step 2: Clean your space with white sage or palo santo.
Step 3: Think about your intention and write it down on the paper. Remember to take your time and focus on what you want to achieve.
Step 4: Put your paper under the crystal grid and say your affirmation out loud or silently, whatever fits you better.
Step 5: Place the central stone and later the rest of the stones in circles, they are going to support the intention of the central stone.
Step 6: Activate the crystal grid with an obelisk or pencil stone.
Step 7: Keep stating your intention, telling the stones which energy and quality they should bring you.
Try to repeat the ritual everyday. Open your mind and soul for positive changes!
Our Crystal Grids sets ready-to-use
For beginners we have the sets ready to use. If you don't have extensive knowledge about crystals, don’t worry! We have done the thinking for you and created the ready-to-use grids.
Every grid is in the set with crystals, a cotton bag to protect the crystals and most importantly, instruction guiding how to use a crystal grid. You can find various sets for different needs and purposes. We offer Crystal Grid for Home Blessing, Crystal Grid for Love, Crystal Grid for Protection, Crystal Grid for Prosperity, and Crystal Grid for Success.
Make your own set!
In our shop you can find a great collection of amazing crystal grids. You can make your own set choosing your favourite grid and crystals.
We offer grids from different materials: mango wood crystal grid, copper crystal grid, wooden crystal grid and even crystal grid of cotton. We offer them in different sizes to satisfy different needs. Check out some of our popular grids.
Mango Wood Crystal Grid
One material that is trending at the moment is mango wood. We have Mango Wood Crystal Grid in two sizes, 15 cm and 30 cm, with different sacred geometries for different needs. Look up this selection that we made for you!
Besides grids, we offer a big assortment of Crystals and Gems, in our store you can find more than 60 different crystals to build your own grid. They have different qualities, the most beautiful Crystals are AA quality and they come in bags of 250 grams. Angelite, Citrine, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, boost your set with those and much more from our collection.
Do not miss them!