Tidy up Advanced mode: Life in Boxes

Organise guru Marie Kondo has her own show on Netflix. I rolled my eyes and mocked: ‘seriously? An organising consultant, is that even a job? They always come up with something new’. But somehow everyone talked about it and I kept bumping into it in spiritual magazines where the cleaning terms flew around  me. Even my yoga teacher muttered something about the relevant lady who is engaged in Tidy up and anti-materialism, before he started his class. I’m familiar with ‘A tidy house a tidy mind’,  but this seems to touch the spiritual. Curious why people are so captivated with it it, I decided to give it a shot and started episode 1.

The basic principle of Marie Kondo

The famous cleaning maniac, Mrs. Kondo, gets a certain ‘kick’ out of organizing and overview and has all kinds of practical tricks. This is the basic principle: you only store stuff that you really need or the stuff that makes you very happy from inside out: the spark joy. It’s a positive warm feeling, an energy that vibrates in your every cells. If the spark joy is missing and you do not really need the item, then it’s a matter of a grateful farewell and throw it away.

Making spcae for new things

I have to admit: it gave me this enormous boost, especially now Spring knocks on my door. So, I decided to start my own Spring cleaning. A fresh start is exactly what I need. For the right mindset I took a day off for some me-time in a spa and I let it sink. The result was an energetic body, insight and an actionplan: I need space for new things to bloom. I’ve bought some laminated storage boxes right away in different sizes from Green Tree. They have precious spiritual prints, so I can stay easily in this good vibe and remind myself what I stand for.

It’s time to bring some order to the chaos of my possessions. With my storage boxes ready, I got rid of all sorts of meaningless accessories, wastes and trash and only stored what is really valuable. I was surprised by the endless amount of spare buttons, gems, make-up brushes, rubber bands, palo santo sticks, screws, batteries, jewelry, tea lights, loner socks, perfume testers, etc. etc. that was dusted and never got their own place. Fortunately, my period of attachement to stuff and the associated heartache when it is thrown away is over.

What are the benefits?

Just declutter your house, your temple because it’s also a meditative occupation that gives air and therefore a wonderful tidy feeling. Our house looks a lot simpler now that everything is stored in boxes, baskets and trays. It’s an intensive sport, but to keep the overview is the real art. With my new storage boxes I gave valuable necessities or happy items their own place. Okay, I was a little too judgy about Mrs. Kondo and I’m even happy with the guidelines set out. It has literally created breathing space and overview with a certain mental ballast that has fallen from my shoulder. The less baggage, the higher you can fly.